Since the beginning of 2024, it’s been smooth sailing and updates-on-updates over at Spank HQ. We’ve always believed that content is king and that education is power, so we’ve been working overtime on SpankU. Keep reading to learn about everything else we’ve been cooking over the last month.

Spank shenanigans at ETH Denver
Our visit to ETH Denver proved to be quite eventful. Ameen talked about all things “peaceful money” in a conference alongside HAI and Open Dollar. The discussion touched on the fundamental, democratizing principles of financial tools and the inherent fairness of algorithmic tokens.
Ameen also shared his thoughts on privacy and the right to encryption.
Some other ETH highlights included a knife fight (it’s not what you think) that got a special shoutout from Vitalik and had a unicorn onesie prize (wish you were there), as well as a scavenger hunt for our signature bright pink beanies.

More from Match
Our breakthrough professional networking platform, SpankMatch is buzzing with new members. To make sure they make the most of their community, we’re busy working out the kinks on some exciting new updates that rhyme with shmessaging and bavoriting, so stay tuned! B-T-dubs, if you’re a professional adult content creator, we’re always open to new Matchers…

Teamwork makes the HAI token work
The fight for DeFi and financial freedom is a team sport. That’s why Spank Ventures was happy to fund the launch of HAI, which had its public reveal during ETH Denver and launched the following week.

Be our Valentine
If you know Spank, you know we love a contest for any and every occasion. So what better way to celebrate Valentine’s Day than with a festive photo submission on Twitter. Congratulations to the five lucky winners who took home $350! Sure beats the heck out of chocolate and flowers, if you ask us.

Get Schooled
As we were saying, we were putting quite a few of our eggs in the SpankU basket, cranking out content and videos left, right, and center. If you didn’t catch our latest lesson, you can still read up on the ins, outs, and total f*cking flops of age verification laws.
For extra credit, make sure to check out the Media Training for Advocacy session hosted by our friends at the Free Speech Coalition (FSC). Team Spank is becoming increasingly active on the advocacy front, because policy change is the surest and most critical way to protect our rights in a current climate where our most fundamental liberties are under fire.

SpankMate of the Month: Zoey Foxx
If you like your babes brunette and your bums extra thick, you’re going to love our February SpankMate, Zoey Foxx. Don’t let her girl-next-door face fool you. Instead, let her womanly curves do all the talking — trust us, they speak volumes. We got to see said curves in action in an exclusive photoshoot with a special cameo from Rocky XXX.